
Checkout Components
No-code for Shopify Plus checkout

Stay up to date with the latest product changes for Checkout Components, a Shopify Plus app that allows you to customize your checkout experience without writing code.

Brought to you by anvil.

New Input Components

In the latest release, Input Components have been completely overhauled. In this update, merchants can now have multiple fields in a single Input Component.

With this update, there is an increase in usability and will support further development of new Input Component templates. To begin with, merchants have access to Gift Notes, Terms agreement and a blank template. Where they can create whatever they like.

Existing Input components, have been marked as deprecated. Merchants will see this when they visit older Input Components and are prompted to move to the new system.


  • New UI for Input Components
  • Input component templates
  • Input components can have many fields
  • More control over input fields, including access to regex, custom lines, custom helptext and more.
  • Upsell and Content component modals have been replaced with a new UI.

Upsells can be paginated

Upsell components, regardless of their source can now be paginated. The component will show three products at a time, and if there are more products returned by the APIs the component is connected to, it will show a next and previous button allowing customers to discover more recommendations.

To make the most of this, the product quantity will need to be set when editing / creating an Upsell Component to be more than 3 (the default).


  • Upsells can now be paginated

Upsells powered by Shopify Collections

Merchants can now select one or more collections that upsell components should source products from. This can be used effectively when running a sale on specific collections.


  • All upsell component variants now can be powered by Shopify Collections.

Date pickers now support blocked days

Input Components that use date pickers can now block specific days of the week. This can be used to prevent customers from selecting days that are not available for delivery or collection.


  • Specific days of the week can now be disabled in the date picker on Checkout.
  • This can be used in combination to buffer days.

Shopify Markets integration

Merchants can now show components to customers in specific Shopify Markets. Target specific countries or groups of countries and show important information, or ask for more information via input components.


  • All components can be published to specific or all Shopify Markets.

Algolia integration for upsell components

Algolia can now be integrated with Checkout Components 🎉.

This means that merchants can now use Algolia to power their upsell components. This is a huge step forward in the flexibility of the platform and will allow merchants to use Algolia to power their upsell components.


  • Upsells can be powered by Algolia Recommend via app settings.
  • All tracking events Algolia requires are catered for.